If you deferred VAT payments due between 20th March and 30th June 2020 and still have payments to make, you have the following options:

You may be charged interest or a penalty if you do not:

Paying your deferred VAT in full

You do not need to contact HMRC.

If you want to join the new scheme

The VAT deferral payment scheme will be open from 23rd February till midnight on the 21st June 2021.

If you are on the VAT annual accounting scheme or the VAT payment on account scheme, you will be invited to join the new payment scheme next month (March).

The new scheme lets you:

To access the scheme, you must:

If you join the scheme, you can still apply for a Time to Pay arrangement for other HMRC debts and taxes.

Instalment options available to you

The date of registration will determine the maximum number of payments:

11 for those who register before the 19th March

10 for those who register before the 21st April

9 for those who register before the 19th May

8 for those who register before the 21st June

Before joining the scheme, you must:

More updates and guidance on the new system are expected over the next few weeks, we will publish them here when they are released.

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